How To Build An Ear Trainer with JavaScript

song cover music note

Hey all you cool cats and kittens! Since we are all stuck at home trying to avoid the apocalypse, I thought it would be a good time for a new programming tutorial.

Carole Baskin

I’ve heard some encouraging news that at least one teacher has been using these tutorials to keep their kids doing something constructive during the quarantines. So that has made me happy and increased my motivation to be productive.

Instead of building another game like minesweeper or hangman, this tutorial will focus on another one of my passions: music.

Click here to check out the ear trainer you’ll be building!

Click here to view the code!

I’m no professional by any stretch of the imagination, but I’ve always had love for music. Whether it was church hymns or classic rock, music was an important part of every car ride as kid, and I’m still trying to get better at singing and playing guitar (You can check out my progress if you’re interested).

Ear Training

One area I’ve been working on is my ability to recognize common music intervals, like major thirds, perfect fifths, and octaves. A common term for this is “ear training”. You can start doing this by associating the different intervals with the beginning of certain songs ( fourth = Amazing Grace, fifth = Star Wars Theme, octave = The Office Theme, etc). But my goal is for my ear to eventually recognize these intervals instantaneously.

I’ve downloaded various apps to help me do this, but it occurred to me that I could combine my passions and build one myself!

So that’s what we’ll be covering in this tutorial: how to build an ear trainer with JavaScript. For those less musically inclined, we’re also going to be using two programming techniques I haven’t covered in previous tutorials: playing audio and local client-side storage. Let’s get started! If you get lost, the full project is on github.

Making the Music

The first thing that I had to do was create the audio files. I used a program called Audacity to record myself playing various intervals on my guitar. I used a naming convention of {intervalName}{integer} in order to make the programming task easier.

You can record your own intervals and follow my naming convention, or if you’re in a hurry you can just download or point your code to the files I created. You can find them all here on my blog, or here on github.

Structure and Style

I’m not going to focus too much on describing how the page is structured and styled. I’ll leave it as an exercise for you to explore the HTML and CSS on your own. You’re welcome to ask questions in the comment section if you run into any issues with the files provided.

The main takeaways are that we have a start button, a replay interval button, a confirm answer button, a drop down list to pick our answer, and an area for displaying messages. Our JavaScript code will interact with each of these elements as the state of the test progresses.

Also, you’ll want to make sure you update any paths so that they are pointed to where your files are located. For example, if you add your own audio files, you’ll have to make sure your code is looking in the right directory for them.


Alright it is time to move on and finally start talking about the JavaScript. We’ll begin by discussing the variables that will be changed as the player progresses through the test:

let questions = [];
let answers = [];
let questionIndex = 0;
let correctAnswers = 0;
let questionCount = 20;
let beginTime = "";

As you can see, we’re initializing an two empty arrays. One array is for keeping track of the questions, and the other is for keeping track of the answers.

We’re also initializing three variables holding integers. The questionIndex variable keeps track of which question we are on, while the questionCount variable keeps track of the total number of questions. The correctAnswers variable will be updated every time an interval is guessed correctly.

Also, we have a beginTime variable which will be set when the quiz begins. This variable will help us determine if the player has beaten his/her previous high score.

Helper Functions

Next, let’s talk about some helper functions we are going to create to make our lives easier. We’ll reuse them throughout the code, so it’s best to familiarize yourself with them early on.

Play Interval

let playInterval = function( id )

This function takes the id of an html element as a parameter. It attempts to get the element by id and call play on it. This will work if the id belongs to an audio element, but you won’t have much luck if it doesn’t. The audio elements are present in the HTML document, and each one is associated with a unique audio file.


let hide = function( id )

The hide function takes an id and sets its display property to none. We could write this every time we need it, but “hide” is much more terse and easier to read.


let show = function( id, value )
let element = document.getElementById(id); = "";
if( value !== undefined )
element.innerHTML = value;

The show function is the opposite of the hide function in that it makes an element visible. It also has the optional ability of setting the inner HTML content of the element. If no content is provided it won’t set it to anything and the element’s content will remain unchanged.

Get Random Integer

let getRandomInteger = function( min, max )
   return Math.floor( 
          Math.random() * ( max - min ) ) + min;

This function takes a min and max value as parameters and returns a random integer lying somewhere in between them. It will include the min but not the max as possible outputs.

Get Random Index

let getRandomIndex = function()
return getRandomInteger( 0, 10 );

This function builds on the getRandomInteger function. It’s purpose is to return a random valid index. I’ve created ten audio files for each interval, with indexes ranging from 0 to 9. So we’ll pass in 0 as the min value and 10 as the max value to satisfy our requirements.

Get Random Interval

let getRandomInterval = function()
    let interval = getRandomInteger( 0, 5 );
    return getInterval( interval );

This function is similar to getRandomIndex. You’ll call this function when you want to retrieve a random interval. In the select drop down you’ll notice that we have mapped each interval type to an integer. We have five intervals: major thirds, minor thirds, perfect fourths, perfect fifths, and octaves. These correspond to the integers 0 through 4.

After getting the random integer we call a function called getInterval to get the interval object. Keep reading to find out what that function does.

Get Interval

let getInterval = function( id )
    id = id + "";
    let interval = { 
                     code: "third", 
                     name: "Major Third"
    switch( id )
      case "0":
        interval = { 
                     code: "third", 
                     name: "Major Third" 
      case "1":
        interval = { 
                     code: "minorthird", 
                     name: "Minor Third"
      case "2":
        interval = {
                     code: "fourth", 
                     name: "Perfect Fourth" 
      case "3":
        interval = { 
                     code: "fifth", 
                     name: "Perfect Fifth"
      case "4":
        interval = { 
                     code: "octave", 
                     name: "Octave"
        // Return whatever was set as the default

    return interval;

The purpose of this function is to retrieve the interval object for whatever interval id was passed in. An interval object consists of a code and a name. The code matches the name of the audio file without the attached index number. The name is for display purposes.

Generating the Test

Now that we have some helpful functions created, let’s start building the test itself. For starters, we are going to need some values in our questions and answers arrays. Let’s look at where this get populated, in a function called, generateTest.

How to build an ear trainer with javascript: Generate Test

This function is called when the player clicks on the start test button. The first thing that happens is we hide and show some elements on the screen. We show the question area, which includes our buttons for replaying sounds and choosing answers. We hide the start test button because at this point the test is already underway. Also, we show the message area with a non-breaking space. This is to keep the size of the container the same whether there is a message to display or not.

The next thing we do, after initializing a few local variables, is start adding questions and answers until we have reached the number set by the questionCount variable. We set each question to a random index appended to a random interval code. The random interval is then stored at the same index in the parallel answers array.

Finally, we set the beginTime of the test, and proceed to the next question by calling the appropriately named, nextQuestion function.

Proceeding to the Next Question

How to build an ear trainer with javascript: Next question function

The nextQuestion function is a pretty simple one. It does two things. First, it will show which question the player is on. Next it will play the audio file corresponding to the interval in question.

Replaying the Interval

What if the player needs to hear the interval again before answering? In that case they can trigger the replayInterval function by clicking on the replay interval button. Notice how boring my variable and function names are? That’s a good thing.

How to build an ear trainer with javascript: replay interval

This function is even simpler than nextQuestion. All we do is call play interval and pass in the current question that we are on.

Choosing an Answer

choosing a final answer for interval

The player selects his/her desired answer from the drop down list, and then clicks on the confirm answer button to guess what the interval is. When this happens, the confirmAnswer function is called.

Confirm answer function

The first thing that happens is the answer is evaluated to see if the player guess correctly. We’ll cover that function in a bit.

Next, the questionIndex is updated. If the questionIndex is less than the questionCount, we call the nextQuestion function. Otherwise, we call the finishGame function.

Evaluating the Answer

evaluating the answer for the interval

The purpose of the evaluateAnswer function is to determine if the player answered correctly and update the state of the game appropriately. Fortunately, the consequences for answering incorrectly will not be nearly as dire as in Indiana Jones.

How to build an ear trainer with javascript: evaluate answer

The first thing we do is retrieve the answer from the selected option in the drop down list. Then we get the interval object by calling getInterval.

Finally, we check if the chosen interval’s code matches the one we have stored in our answers array. If the answer is correct, we increment the correctAnswers count and don’t show a message. If the answer is wrong, we show a message to the player informing them of what the correct answer was.

Finishing the Game

How to build an ear trainer with javascript: Finish the game

After the last question has been answered we need to show the start button again and hide the question area.

Next, we need to determine the player’s score, which consists of the number of correct questions and the total time it took him/her to complete the test.

Before showing the score to the player we will determine if he/she beat his/her previous high score. This will help us determine which message to show on the screen.

We find this out by calling the saveHighScore function.

Saving a High Score

George from Seinfeld with frogger

We will be storing the high score client side in the player’s web browser. This means that the high score will persist even if the player closes their browser. This feature will allow players to compete against themselves and become faster and more accurate in their ability to guess intervals.

Save high score

We start out by assuming that the player did not beat his/her high score. After grabbing the score and time out of local storage, we check if they did beat it. We consider a score better if the player answered more questions correctly or answered the same number correctly in less time. If the player beat his/her high score, we override the values in local storage.


That’s it! You have successfully created your own ear trainer. You should be proud of yourself.

From here you can go in lots of different directions. I can think of so many features to add that are beyond the scope of this tutorial. You could add more intervals, descending and ascending intervals, or the ability to choose a subset of intervals you want to train on. The list goes on and on.

Have you implemented other cool feature ideas? Are you stuck on anything you saw here? I’d love to hear from you in the comments. Be sure to subscribe to stay up to date with the latest content.

A Web Developer’s Attempt to Make Pong with Unity in One Night

Pong in Unity

I’m a solid developer. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not the best in the world, but I can think logically and solve problems. Still, I find myself in awe when I look at the work produced by the giants in our field.

As a web developer I, along with millions of others, depend on a few tools conceived in the mind of Linus Torvalds. Without Linux and Git, my job would be a lot more frustrating. But Linus is only the first of many people that come to mind. So many important languages and tools are the creations of single, brilliant individuals.

Perhaps most inspiring of all, yet often overlooked, are video game developers. My theory is because they often work in large teams they don’t always get the individual credit they deserve. Guys like John Carmack and the founders of Naughty Dog have worked on the bleeding edge of technology while creating software that has brought more joy to people than the latest front end Javascript framework ever will. You should read the story of how Naughty Dog created Crash Bandicoot. It’s incredible.

Getting Inspired

I’ve always romanticized game development. I think every kid who grew up playing video games has dreamed of building a masterpiece themselves. Even as an adult I sometimes dream about undertaking such an ambitious project.

These thoughts have inspired me to delve into that world as a bit of a hobby. You all have probably seen my previous game tutorials using web technologies, but I wanted to challenge myself a bit more with something different and closer to the real thing.

I decided to build pong in one night (or two) using the Unity Engine (Version 2019.2.18f1). Unity is C# based game development engine used by a lot of indie game developers. I’ve followed some in-depth Unity tutorials in the past, but never built something on my own. Let’s just say that the finished product is not quite ready for the market, but it’s as done as I care to be for this blog post:

Unity is free to use for individuals, and you’re welcome to download my project files below and boot them up. This post won’t be a full tutorial though, just a higher level overview of what I did and what I learned as I struggled with a new development environment.

How I Made Something Kind Of Like Pong

I started by following this helpful tutorial, and then customized it to be a more complete game. I find that to be a helpful tactic when solving new problems: find somebody to hold your hand at first, and then spread your wings from there.

Main Camera

Camera for Pong

I built everything with 3D objects that I created directly in Unity. The main camera is fixed in position and used for showing the game as if it were in 2D. This trick seems like it could be useful in other games as well.

Directional Light

Directional Light

This object was there when I created the project. I assume it is providing light to the scene, but I really don’t know how important it is!

Bumper (2)

Bumpers for Pong players 1 and 2

These are controlled by players one and two and are used to hit the ball back and forth. They are controlled by the following script:

Bumper script

Every frame we check to see if we need to translate the position of the bumper. If it is within the acceptable range we translate it by a factor of the speed and input direction of the bumper as well as the time in seconds since the last frame. Otherwise we force the bumper back to within its acceptable bounds.

Wall (2)

Walls for Pong

These are the outer walls that keep the ball in play. Pretty straightforward stuff.


Pong background

A big black sheet providing a background that provides contrast with the rest of the game.



The ball is what the players are hitting back and forth. It has an attached script:

Ball script

This script initializes the position of the ball in the middle of the screen and sets it off in a semi random direction. The ball object also contains a method called “Halt” which will stop the ball and fix it in the middle of the screen. This is called when the game ends.

Goal (2)

Pong goals

The goals are where the players need to get the ball to. Each goal object has this script attached:

Goal script

The script checks for collisions with the ball. On each collision it checks to see how many goals have been scored and, if the game is over, displays the winning message and stops the ball in the middle of the screen. If the game is still going on then it resets the ball to the center of the screen and sets it off in a semi-random direction.

I also included a check for user input here on every frame. There is a probably a better place to put this, but I’m just a humble web developer bumbling my way through this. You can press “r” to reset the game, and “escape” to close the game.



I used 3D text objects for displaying the score. They look really bad. I imagine there must be a better way to do this. Here is the script to control them:

Score script

Every frame I’m just setting the score text to the appropriate number of goals.

Winning Message

Winning Message

Finally, the last object. I’m really tired of uploading screen shots. This message is invisible until the game is over. Then it displays either player one or player 2 as the winner.

Important Project Settings

I changed a few defaults in the project settings to make everything work reasonably well.

I had to make the physics bouncy by default.

Physics settings

I also had to setup keyboard controls for player 1 and 2 via the input settings.

Input settings

Lessons Learned

  • The physics engine is powerful and can help you a lot, but I need to understand it better to use it to its fullest extent. Sometimes the ball just rolls perfectly horizontal along the wall, and I’m not sure how to fix that. I’ve even managed to get the ball to stop entirely.
  • Zero gravity was important.
  • Collision detection is easy to get wrong. I know I need to use Rigidbody objects, but I don’t totally grasp the fundamentals quite yet. I had to increase the mass of the goals to a huge number to prevent them from moving on collision with the ball. I have the feeling I’m doing something silly there.
  • I probably could benefit from researching some Unity best practices. Often I solved the problems but felt uneasy about the solutions. Maybe something like this would help.
  • The 3D text objects look really bad. I bet there is a better way to do that.
  • Some of the design patterns I learned in web development are relevant, but I get the feeling that game development requires a different way of thinking a lot of the time.
  • A trusty search engine is your friend.

How To Make Appealing Game Graphics

How To Make Appealing Game Graphics

We’re taking a break from my programming series to bring you a post coming courtesy of my first guest contributor, Ashlie Lopez! She is an experienced writer who will be covering a side of building cool technology that, based on the visuals of my hangman game, I probably have no business trying to tackle. She will be discussing how to make appealing game graphics.


Developing realistic and appealing game graphics is not an easy task. When a user first sees your game, his first impression is based on the art of the game. Gamers tend to form an opinion about a game based on the overall appeal and aesthetics before actually playing the game. Therefore, game developers and producers invest a major chunk of their budget into game art and design.

As a designer, there are many different areas that you need to work on to create visually stunning graphics. Your designs should give a good user experience to players and should be consistent in terms of characters, colors, backdrop etc.

Whether you are an experienced or a new graphic designer, the following are some useful tips and techniques that will help you create better visuals for your game:

Follow the principles of design

The job of a skilled graphic designer is to understand and create designs by following the principles of design. The principles of design help a designer convert various design elements into powerful visuals. In order to create correct and meaningful visuals that leave a strong impact on the user’s mind, you need follow the rules of designing:

  1. Alignment 
  2. Proportion
  3. Repetition
  4. Contrast
  5. Balance
  6. Emphasis
  7. Hierarchy
  8. Harmony
  9. Unity
  10. Proximity

As a designer, it is your job to understand each and every element and use them as powerful tools to create stunning game designs. 

Have strong layouts

A layout is the foundation of every design. As a game designer, your layouts should be well balanced and well-proportioned in order to connect with the audience’s eye. In simple words, a layout is simply the assortment of various graphical elements. A layout also ensures consistency in designs. A strong layout can help viewers to focus on gaming elements that are the most important.

Every element in a game has its own identity and significance. The value of each element depends on its position on the game’s layout along with the proportion, repetition and contrast of the element.

Add depth to gaming images

The use of depth to achieve appealing game graphics

Depth is yet another useful element of a visual image that helps to make certain images more elaborate and prominent in a game.

A designer can use depth as a powerful tool to help players get a better understanding of scale. Depth can be achieved through experimenting with lighting, outlining, and adjusting the hues and saturation of an image.

Provide unique styling

For every game, you need to come up with a new style that would give a distinctive identity to your design. You play with colors and lighting to create a new style for your design. Your graphics should be unique enough to attract the attention of gamers. Whether it is the backdrop or the characters of the game, you need to design them in such a way that they instantly create a connection with the players.

As a designer, your main goal should be to create crisp and sharp graphics. It is not necessary to create too realistic or intricate graphics to make your character stand out. Sometimes, going for a minimalist approach by creating simple characters is more effective than creating overly complex designs.

Enhance graphics with colors

Colors are the one the simplest tools for bringing images to life. In games, it is recommended to go for saturated and vibrant colors. However, every game has its own unique requirements based on its story line, characters and genre.  More vibrant and bright saturated colors work for casual or strategic games that are designed to cater to a wider audience of different age groups. Pastel colors are mostly used for fantasy video games. You can use customized video game glasses to enhance your gaming experience.

Get constructive feedback

Getting constructive feedback and criticism is a great way to know which design element works for the game and which could be replaced with a better alternative. Learning and improving your skills from feedback is a great way to keep upgrading your portfolio and stay relevant in the industry. Through feedback and suggestions, a designer gets to know about his strength and weaknesses in designing. The best and most honest review that a game designer could get is from the gamers themselves.

How To Build Hangman With JavaScript

How To Build Hangman With JavaScript

In my last tutorial I described the snake game I built using JavaScript, and before that I built a version of minesweeper. For this week’s post I decided to show you guys how to build hangman with JavaScript. I’m sure there are plenty of coding choices I’ve made that can be criticized, but hopefully I’ve still accomplished my goals. Namely, to have fun making little games and teach people a little bit about JavaScript and programming.

Click here to play movie hangman!

Here are the three files necessary for creating the hangman game:

I already know what you’re thinking. How did I afford such an outstanding artist? Believe it or not, I actually created that condemned bandit artwork all on my own. Like most professional programmers, I can wear multiple hats.

I loved playing hangman when I was growing up as a kid. It’s one of those rare games that teaches you important concepts without you even realizing it. In order to become good at hangman, you have to become proficient with language. Another thing I loved as a kid (and still do) was watching movies. So naturally, I decided to combine these two passions and create “Movie Hangman”.

Unlike my previous game tutorials, I decided to build hangman with mobile users foremost in mind. To accomplish this I used something called CSS media queries. We use these to apply different CSS rules for different screen sizes. Be sure to check it out in the CSS file if you’re interested, as the bulk of this post covers the JavaScript game logic.

Alright, let’s start learning how to build hangman with JavaScript.

Rules of Hangman

  1. A word or phrase is chosen for the player to guess.
  2. Initially, the player can only see how many letters and words make up the full word or phrase.
  3. The player begins by guessing letters. Each correct guess reveals every location where the letter exists in the word or phrase. Each incorrect guess results in another piece of the man getting added to the gallows.
  4. If he thinks he knows it, the player is also allowed to guess the entire word or phrase.
  5. The player wins if he successfully guess the word or phrase. He loses if he completes the picture of the condemned man, resulting in his grim demise.

Game Object

JavaScript code for creating our hangman game object 1/3.
JavaScript code for creating our hangman game object 2/3.
JavaScript code for creating our hangman game object 3/3.
JavaScript code for creating our hangman game object.

The Game function is responsible for creating our game object. This object will be responsible for holding the data about the current state of the game and the methods for acting upon that data. The game object will have 7 internal variables for handling state: word, guessedLetters, maskedWord, incorrectGuesses, possibleGuesses, won, and lost.

The word variable stores the word that the player is trying to guess. We assign it a random movie from our list of movies when we initialize the game object.

The word in the hangman game.

The guessedLetters variable is an array. We use it to store letters as the player guesses them.

The maskedWord variable is the word or phrase as it is displayed to the player. It starts out as a bunch of underscores with spaces separating the words, and it slowly gets filled in as the player makes more correct guesses. We initialize it via a for-loop.

The masked word in the hangman game.
Masked word.

The incorrectGuesses variable is a counter for storing the number of times the player has guessed incorrectly. Too many wrong guesses and the player will lose the game. Naturally, this counter starts at zero.

The possibleGuesses variable is a string containing all of the letters in the alphabet. Letters are removed as they are guessed. These are displayed to the player so he doesn’t have to remember what he has already guessed.

Possible guesses in our hangman game.
Possible guesses.

The won and lost variables keep track of whether the player has won or lost the game. These are displayed to the player when the game is over.

Public Methods of the Game Object
  • getWord: A simple getter for the word variable.
  • getMaskedWord: A simple getter for the maskedWord variable.
  • guess: We call this function whenever a player guesses a letter. After capitalizing the letter for consistency we make sure it hasn’t already been guessed. Then we add it to the the array of guessed letters and remove it from our list of possible guesses. If the word contains the guessed letter we determine what the indexes of those matches are. Then, we reveal those letters in the masked word that is displayed to the player. If the word does not contain the guessed letter we call the private handleIncorrectGuess function to increment the number of incorrect guesses and check for a loss.
  • getPossibleGuesses: The possibleGuesses variable returned as an array using the spread syntax.
  • getIncorrectGuesses: A simple getter for the incorrectGuesses variable.
  • guessWord: We call this function whenever the player wants to take a guess at the entire word or phrase.
  • isWon: A simple getter for the won variable.
  • isLost: A simple getter for the lost variable.
Private Methods of the Game Object
  • guessAllLetters: This function loops through all of the letters in the word and calls guess on them. Its purpose is to display the movie title after the player guesses it correctly, or alternatively when the player has lost the game.
  • handleIncorrectGuess: This function takes care of a few things whenever a player guesses wrongly. It updates the number of incorrect guesses and checks for a loss. If a loss has a occurred, it calls guessAllLetters.

There is one more function worth talking about in this section called replace. It doesn’t really belong in our game object because it has utility outside of that context. We are gonna keep it on its own in case we ever decide to use it later.

JavaScript function for replacing a character in a string at the specified index.
JavaScript function for replacing a character in a string at the specified index.

The function takes a string, an index, and a replacement string as parameters. It substitutes the replacement string for the character at the specified index. We use it to replace underscores with characters in our masked word.

That wraps up our discussion about the game object. Let’s move on and talk about how we handle player input.

Handling Player Input

JavaScript code for handling player input (1/2).
JavaScript code for handling player input (2/2).
JavaScript code for handling player input.

Our goal is to make this game a fun experience on a desktop computer as well as a mobile phone. In order to do that we need to offer a few different ways to play.

One way to play involves using the keyboard to enter letters. This works great on a full-fledged hardware setup, but not so great on a mobile phone. For mobile users we ought to offer a way to use the touchscreen to make guesses.

Guessing a letter

Both of these input methods resolve down to the same basic action: sending a letter to our game object as a guess. This is a pretty good indicator that we should have a common function for handling this logic.

We will call this function guessLetter. It resides inside the listenForInput function which will be used for setting up our input handling logic. When called, and as long as the game is still going on, this function calls guess on our game object and then calls render to update the screen. We’ll talk more about the render function momentarily.

For both the keyboard and touchscreen input we attach event listeners to the document body.

Handling Touchscreen Input

When the player touches a letter (or clicks on it with his mouse), the handleClick function is called. This function checks the class list of the HTML element that was clicked. If the class list contains the “guess” class, that letter is passed to the guessLetter function.

Handling Keyboard Input

Handling keyboard input is a bit more complicated because there are more features to implement and more validation is necessary. The function that takes care of all this is called handleKeyPress.

The first thing we do is calculate some values that will help us take appropriate action. One of the first things we do is determine if the key that was pressed is a letter. Then, we grab HTML elements representing the guess word button, the new game button, and the guess box. We also check to see if the guess box is already populated with a win/loss message.

Finally, we take action. If the cursor is not in the guess box and player pressed a letter, we make a guess. If the game is over and the player pressed enter, we start a new game. And if the player pressed enter, the game is still going on, and there is content inside the guess box, we take a guess at the full movie title.

Guessing the Word

JavaScript code for making a guess at the full word in our hangman game.
JavaScript code for making a guess at the full word in our hangman game.

The player can take a guess at the full word by clicking the guess word button. He can also do so by pressing enter, as we saw in the previous section. When this occurs, the guessWord function is called.

This function first checks if the game is still going on. If it is, the guessWord function of the game object is called, and then render is called to update the screen.

Rendering the Graphics

JavaScript code for rendering updates to the screen.
JavaScript code for rendering updates to the screen.

Let’s discuss how to update the screen after changes are made to the game object. This is handled by the render function, and it is called after every guess that the player makes.

Overall it’s a pretty simple function. We set the innerHTML of the different elements that correspond to the data in our game object. We also set the image by using a neat little naming convention hack.

The trickiest part of this function is how we render the possible remaining guesses to the screen. We have to clear out the div and then loop through the possible guesses variable, appending the appropriate span as we go along.

Starting a New Game of Hangman

JavaScript code for starting a new game of hangman.
JavaScript code for starting a new game of hangman.

Okay, we’re almost done building hangman. Soon you’ll have all of the pieces needed for learning how to build hangman with JavaScript. The last thing to cover is kicking off a new game!

When the page loads, we call the Game function to create a new game object. Then we call render to display the game data to the screen, and call listenForInput to, well, start listening for input from the player.

We also have a function called newGame. If you observe the HTML, you’ll see that this function is attached to the new game button. Instead of going to the trouble of resetting our game object and event listeners, we use a neat little trick to go back to the most recent URL in the browser history. This should redirect the player to the URL of the hangman game, and reinitialize all of the JavaScript.


Congrats on learning how to build hangman with JavaScript! Hopefully it makes sense after breaking it up into modules like this. If you have questions or see ways to improve the code, I’d love to hear from you in the comments!

For your next steps, you could try adding some more features, like different, selectable word categories or supporting characters besides just letters.

Let me know in the comments what other simple games like this you would like to see, and don’t forget to drop me your email so you don’t miss the next one that comes out. You will also receive my free checklist for writing great functions.

Take care, and God bless!

How To Build Snake With JavaScript

How To Build Snake With JavaScript

In my last post I showed you guys the minesweeper game I built using JavaScript, and before that I built tic tac toe. For this week’s post I decided to show you guys how to build snake with JavaScript.

Click here to play Snake!

Here are the three files necessary for creating the snake game:

Now, the DOM was not originally designed for quickly updating graphics. There are better mediums to work in, but I wanted build something using basic web technologies. Still, I wanted it to be a little more dynamic than the games featured in my last tutorials. The snake game seemed to strike that balance well.

I also wanted to incorporate some of the feedback I received on my last post. I tried to use more of the modern features that JavaScript provides us, and I left jQuery behind.

With that out of the way, let’s get started. If you want to learn how to build snake with JavaScript, the first step is understanding how the game works. Let’s jump right in and talk about the rules.

Rules of the Game

  1. The board is grid of cells through which the snake can traverse.
  2. The player controls the head of the snake. It can only move in four directions: left, right, up, or down.
  3. The snake is always moving, and the body follows the path set by the head.
  4. Running into a wall or the tail of the snake causes the player to lose the game.
  5. The goal of the game is to eat as much food as possible.
  6. The snake grows by one in length whenever it eats a piece of food. Then, the game places a new piece of food in a random cell of the board.


JavaScript doesn’t really have the concept of an enum built in, but we can make our own version that will suffice. We are going to create two of them. They will prove themselves useful throughout the rest of our programming task.

Cell Type
JavaScript code for creating our cell type enum.
JavaScript code for creating our cell type enum.

The first enum to discuss is the CELL_TYPE. This an object containing three possible values: EMPTY, FOOD, and SNAKE. These are the only three values that can be assigned to a cell of the game board.

We declare it using the const keyword, which means we can’t assign the CELL_TYPE variable a different value. We also freeze the object to further lock it down. Our aim here is to create an immutable object. If the purpose of an object is to provide constant values we might as well try to prevent somebody else from changing it. This implementation gets us pretty far down that road while still being readable.

JavaScript code for creating our direction enum.
JavaScript code for creating our direction enum.

The second enum to discuss is the DIRECTION. This an object containing five possible values: NONE, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, and DOWN. These represent the directions in which the snake can be traveling. Its structure is very similar to the CELL_TYPE enum.


Our game consists of four main objects: the cell, the board, the snake, and the game. We have many cell objects that make up our board, but we only have one board, snake, and game object. Let’s discuss the functions we will use to create these objects.


JavaScript code representing a cell on our grid.
JavaScript code representing a cell on our grid.

We call the Cell function to create a very simple object representing one cell of our game board. The board consists of a grid of cells, and each cell has a few properties:

  • row: An integer representing which row on the board the cell belongs to.
  • column: An integer representing which column on the board the cell belongs to.
  • cellType: The value associated with the cell. This could be one of three values: EMPTY, SNAKE, or FOOD. These values come from the CELL_TYPE enum we discussed earlier.


JavaScript code representing the game board (part 1).
JavaScript code representing the game board (part 2).
JavaScript code representing the game board.

Okay now let’s talk about the board. The Board function is a blueprint for creating our board object. The board object we create should contain all of the logic for representing and modifying our game board.

The function takes two parameters: rowCount and columnCount. We use these two parameters to specify the size of the game board. We initialize our lone internal variable using these parameters, and end up with a two dimensional array named cells. Then we loop through our cells variable and create a cell object for each slot in the array. When starting out, each cell should be EMPTY.

That takes care of the board initialization. Now let’s talk about the methods and data that we publicly expose.

Public Methods of the Board
  • cells: Our two dimensional array of cells. We just talked about how to initialize the cells variable, and now we need to allow other parts of our program to access it.
  • render: This method handles the graphics of our game. It updates the HTML document on every iteration of the game loop. Each cell has the appropriate CSS class added or removed based on its cell type.
  • placeFood: This method randomly places food on the board. It leverages a private function we created, called getAvailableCells. This private function grabs a list of currently empty cells. Then, we place food in a randomly chosen one. We call placeFood as soon as the snake has enjoyed a nice warm meal.
  • getColumnCount: A simple method that returns the number of columns. You may be wondering why we don’t just expose the variable itself, like we did with our cells array. The reason is because we pass this number by value, not reference. When we return the cells object, we are passing by value as well, but the value happens to be a reference to the object. For further details about this topic, see this post and this other post.
  • getRowCount: A simple method that returns the number of rows.

Now let’s talk about our snake object.


JavaScript code representing the snake object (part 1).
JavaScript code representing the snake object (part 2).
JavaScript code representing the snake object.

The Snake function is a blueprint for creating our snake object. The snake object we create should contain all of the logic for representing and modifying our snake.

We pass three arguments to our Snake function: cell, startingLength, and board. The cell is the starting Cell of the head of the snake, the startingLength is the initial size of the snake, and the board is the game board object that we have created by calling the Board function.

We use these three arguments to initialize two internal variables of our snake object: its head cell and its snakeParts array. We simply assign the head variable to the cell that we passed in, and then set its cell type to SNAKE.

For the snakeParts, we first push the head of the snake onto the array. Then, using a for loop, we grab the cell from the next row of the board, set its cell type to SNAKE, and push it onto the array. We do this until the length of our snake matches the startingLength. This results in a vertical snake whose head is closest to the top of the game board. Of course, we are free to change this to suit our preferences.

Before moving on to talk about the publicly exposed methods of our snake, I’d like to point something out explicitly. We have designed the board and snake objects to share the same cell objects. This is an important detail to grasp if you want to understand how these objects work together.

Public Methods of the Snake
  • grow: This method simply pushes the internal head variable onto the internal snakeParts array. We call it after the snake eats a piece of delicious food.
  • move: This method is the snake’s most complicated one. First, it removes the tail of our snake and sets its cell type to EMPTY. Next, it sets the head of the snake to the cell being moved into, and sets that cell’s type to SNAKE. Finally, it loops through all of the snakeParts and sets the cell type to SNAKE for each. This last step handles the situation where the snake is moving right after growing in size. We call the move method once per iteration of our game loop.
  • checkCrash: This method checks if our snake has crashed into a wall or itself. If the cell is undefined then we know the snake has stepped out of the bounds of the game board and crashed. If the cell is not undefined then we check if the snake has collided with itself.
  • getHead: A simple getter for our head variable.

Now let’s talk about our game object.


JavaScript code representing the snake game (part 1).
JavaScript code representing the snake game (part 2).
JavaScript code representing the snake game (part 3).
JavaScript code representing the snake game.

The Game function is a blueprint for creating our game object, and the game object we create should contain all of the logic for handling the interactions between the snake and the game board. We pass the snake and board objects to the Game function as arguments.

While the publicly exposed methods of our game object are quite complex, the initialization of the object is very simple. We have four internal variables: directions, direction, gameOver, and score.

The directions array starts out empty. We use it to queue up directions that the player has pressed. The queue helps us avoid frustrating behavior when a player inputs multiple directions before the game is able to update. We do not want to punish the player for quick fingers! Using a single variable to store the direction would result in a pretty annoying control scheme.

We set the initial direction of the snake to NONE. This makes the snake motionless at the start of a new game. The directions array will be used to feed in new values to this variable.

We initialize the gameOver variable to false. We don’t want to end the game before it has begun.

Finally, we initialize the score variable to zero. We will increase the score as the snake eats food.

Public Methods of the Game
  • update: This method puts all of the pieces together. We call it once per iteration of the game loop, and it contains the bulk of the logic needed for the snake and the board to work together. After checking to make sure the game is still going on, this method calls the private getNextCell function. This function figures out which direction the snake is headed, removes that direction from the queue, and returns the cell that the snake is about to enter. Then, the method checks if the snake has crashed. If the snake has crashed, we end the game and display the final score. Otherwise, the snake moves to the next cell. If there was food there, the snake eats it and grows and we place another piece of food on the board.
  • addDirection: This method takes a direction as an argument and pushes it onto the directions queue.
  • getLastDirection: This method returns the value of the last direction in the directions queue.
  • exceededMaxDirections: We set the maximum number of directions allowed in the queue to three. This prevents the player from spamming the arrow keys a huge number of times and building up a list of directions that are no longer relevant.

Snake Game Initialization

So far we have covered the building blocks necessary for putting together a game of snake with JavaScript. However, we still have a few more pieces to talk about that revolve around initializing a new game. These pieces include initializing the HTML, initializing the input handler, and starting a new game.

One thing to keep in mind while reading this code is that we want to be able create a fresh game state with ease. Modifying our objects directly seems cumbersome and error prone if we make more changes later. Instead, we are going to throw away our old objects and create new ones.

Initializing the HTML

JavaScript code for adding a class and ids to the cells of our snake game board.
JavaScript code for adding a class and ids to the cells of our snake game board.

The purpose of this function is to initialize the HTML elements that represent our snake game board. We start by grabbing all of the elements containing the “cell” CSS class. This should get us all of the cells. Then, we loop through each one of them.

Each cell has its id set to a value that represents its row and column number. Also, we remove the CSS classes from each cell and then add the “cell” class back. This ensures that we remove any classes that were added by the previous run of the game.

Initializing the Input Handler

JavaScript code for handling user input.
JavaScript code for handling user input.

The purpose of the listenForInput function is to handle the keyboard input provided by the player. For our game, the controls are the arrow keys. This function takes the game object as an argument.

The bulk of the logic takes place inside the changeDirection function. This function is responsible for determining when to add a direction to the directions queue of the game object. We add an event listener to our document that executes the changeDirection function on every keydown event. We clear and reset it each time we call the listenForInput function.

The first time changeDirection is triggered we add the UP direction to the queue. This helps us ensure that the player will not die on the first move. On subsequent calls to the function we listen for arrow key presses.

When the snake is moving vertically we do not allow the player to add vertical directions, and when the snake is moving horizontally we do not allow the player to add horizontal directions. This prevents the player from building up a queue of redundant directions or killing the snake inadvertently. We also prevent adding directions to the queue if it is already full. The movingHorizontally and movingVertically helper functions handle these checks, and make use of the publicly exposed methods of the game object to do so.

Starting A New Game

JavaScript code for starting a new game of Snake.
JavaScript code for starting a new game of Snake.

Alright we are getting close now. Just a few more steps and you will have all of the pieces for learning how to build snake with JavaScript! Let’s talk about how to start a new game using all of the building blocks we have constructed thus far.

We have a function called newGame that we call to start a new game. Inside this function we need to set up some constants for the row and column count of our board, as well as for the starting length of our snake. We will use the constants to initialize our game objects.

Once we have our constants, the first thing we do is initialize our board by calling the Board function and passing in our row and column counts as arguments. Then, we use those counts to calculate a good starting position for the head of our snake. We could hard-code this value, but I chose to programmatically place the snake’s head in the center of the board. We pass in this center cell, the board, and the starting length value to the Snake function to create our snake object. Finally, we use the board and snake objects to create our game object using the Game function.

Next, we call initializeCells to assign ids and CSS classes to our HTML cells (represented by div tags). Then we placeFood on the board and call render to show it to the player. After that we call listenForInput to start handling the player’s keyboard input. Finally, we start our game loop. On every iteration we update the board and then render the results on the screen.

The last bit of code attaches a click handler to a button in our pop up modal. We use this click handler for starting another game once the last one has ended. It hides the modal, stops the game loop, and calls the newGame function. We call the newGame function as the first thing we do, and then again every time the player clicks the play again button in the modal.


Congrats on learning how to build snake with JavaScript! That was a lot of code, but hopefully it makes sense after breaking it up into modules like this. If you have questions or see ways to improve the code, I’d love to hear from you in the comments!

I hope you guys enjoyed learning about how to build snake with JavaScript. Let me know what other simple games like this you would like to see, and don’t forget to drop me your email so you don’t miss the next one that comes out.

Take care, and God bless!

How To Build Minesweeper With JavaScript

Revisit Minesweeper

In my last post I showed you guys a tic tac toe game I built using JavaScript, and before that I built a matching game. For this week’s post I decided to ramp up the complexity a bit. You guys are going to learn how to build minesweeper with JavaScript. I also used jQuery, a JavaScript library that is helpful for interacting with html. Whenever you see a function call with a leading dollar sign, that is jQuery at work. If you want to learn more about it, the documentation for it is very good.

Click here to play minesweeper! You will want to play it on your desktop computer because of the control scheme.

Click here to view the source code on GitHub.

Also, the long-awaited Part 2 is now available!

If you want to learn how to build minesweeper with JavaScript, the first step is understanding how the game works. Let’s jump right in and talk about the rules.

Ultimate Guitar PDFs

Rules of the Game

  1. The minesweeper board is a 10 x 10 square. We could make it other sizes, like the classic Windows version, but for demonstration purposes we will stick to the smaller, “beginner” version of the game.
  2. The board has a predetermined number of randomly placed mines. The player cannot see them.
  3. Cells can exist in one of two states: opened or closed. Clicking on a cell opens it. If a mine was lurking there, the game ends in failure. If there is no mine in the cell, but there are mines in one or more of its neighboring cells, then the opened cell shows the neighboring mine count. When none of the cell’s neighbors are mined, each one of those cells is opened automatically.
  4. Right clicking on a cell marks it with a flag. The flag indicates that the player knows there is a mine lurking there.
  5. Holding down the ctrl button while clicking on an opened cell has some slightly complicated rules. If the number of flags surrounding the cell match its neighbor mine count, and each flagged cell actually contains a mine, then all closed, unflagged neighboring cells are opened automatically. However, if even one of these flags was placed on the wrong cell, the game ends in failure.
  6. The player wins the game if he/she opens all cells without mines.

Data Structures


JavaScript code for a minesweeper cell
JavaScript code representing a minesweeper cell.

Each cell is an object that has several properties:

  • id: A string containing the row and column. This unique identifier makes it easier to find cells quickly when needed. If you pay close attention you will notice that there are some shortcuts I take related to the ids. I can get away with these shortcuts because of the small board size, but these techniques will not scale to larger boards. See if you can spot them. If you do, point them out in the comments!
  • row: An integer representing the horizontal position of the cell within the board.
  • column: An integer representing the vertical position of the cell within the board.
  • opened: This is a boolean property indicating whether the cell has been opened.
  • flagged: Another boolean property indicating whether a flag has been placed on the cell.
  • mined: Yet another boolean property indicating whether the cell has been mined.
  • neighborMineCount: An integer indicating the number of neighboring cells containing a mine.


JavaScript code for the minesweeper board
JavaScript code representing our game board.

Much like in the snake game I made, our board is a collection of cells. We could represent our board data in many different ways. I chose to represent it as an object with key value pairs. As we saw earlier, each cell has an id. The board is just a mapping between these unique keys and their corresponding cells.

After creating the board we have to do two more tasks: randomly assign the mines and calculate the neighboring mine counts. We’ll talk more about these algorithms in the next section.


Randomly Assign Mines

JavaScript code for randomly assigning mines
JavaScript code for randomly assigning mines to cells.

One of the first things we have to do before a game of minesweeper can be played is assign mines to cells. For this, I created a function that takes the board and the desired mine count as parameters.

One of the first things we have to do before a game of minesweeper can be played is assign mines to cells. For this, I created a function that takes the board and the desired mine count as parameters.

For every mine we place, we must generate a random row and column. Furthermore, the same row and column combination should never appear more than once. Otherwise we would end up with less than our desired number of mines. We must repeat the random number generation if a duplicate appears.

As each random cell coordinate is generated we set the mined property to true of the corresponding cell in our board.

I created a helper function in order to help with the task of generating random numbers within our desired range. See below:

JavaScript code for random integer generator.
Helper function for generating random integers.

Calculate Neighbor Mine Count

JavaScript code for calculating the neighboring mine count of each cell.

Now let’s look at what it takes to calculate the neighboring mine count of each cell in our board.

You’ll notice that we start by looping through each row and column on the board, a very common pattern. This will allow us to execute the same code on each of our cells.

We first check if each cell is mined. If it is, there is no need to check the neighboring mine count. After all, if the player clicks on it he/she will lose the game!

If the cell is not mined then we need to see how many mines are surrounding it. The first thing we do is call our getNeighbors helper function, which returns a list of ids of the neighboring cells. Then we loop through this list, add up the number of mines, and update the cell’s neighborMineCount property appropriately.

Won’t you be my neighbor?

Let’s take a closer look at that getNeighbors function, as it will be used several more times throughout the code. I mentioned earlier that some of my design choices won’t scale to larger board sizes. Now would be a good time to try and spot them.

JavaScript code for getting all of the neighboring ids of a minesweeper cell.

The function takes a cell id as a parameter. Then we immediately split it into two pieces so that we have variables for the row and the column. We use the parseInt function, which is built into the JavaScript language, to turn these variables into integers. Now we can perform math operations on them.

Next, we use the row and column to calculate potential ids of each neighboring cell and push them onto a list. Our list should have eight ids in it before cleaning it up to handle special scenarios.

A minesweeper cell and its neighbors.

While this is fine for the general case, there are some special cases we have to worry about. Namely, cells along the borders of our game board. These cells will have less than eight neighbors.

In order to take care of this, we loop through our list of neighbor ids and remove any id that is greater than 2 in length. All invalid neighbors will either be -1 or 10, so this little check solves the problem nicely.

We also have to decrement our index variable whenever we remove an id from our list in order to keep it in sync.

Is it mined?

Okay, we have one last function to talk about in this section: isMined.

JavaScript function that checks if a cell is mined.
JavaScript function that checks if a cell is mined.

The isMined function is pretty simple. It just checks if the cell is mined or not. The function returns a 1 if it is mined, and a 0 if it is not mined. This feature allows us to sum up the function’s return values as we call it repeatedly in the loop.

That wraps up the algorithms for getting our minesweeper game board set up. Let’s move on to the actual game play.

Opening A Cell

JavaScript code that executes when a minesweeper cell is opened.
JavaScript code that executes when a minesweeper cell is opened.

Alright let’s dive right into this bad boy. We execute this function whenever a player clicks on a cell. It does a lot of work, and it also uses something called recursion. If you are unfamiliar with the concept, see the definition below:

Recursion: See recursion.

Ah, computer science jokes. They always go over so well at bars and coffee shops. You really ought to try them out on that cutie you’ve been crushing on.

Anyways, a recursive function is just a function that calls itself. Sounds like a stack overflow waiting to happen, right? That’s why you need a base case that returns a value without making any subsequent recursive calls. Our function will eventually stop calling itself because there will be no more cells that need to be opened.

Recursion is rarely the right choice in a real world project, but it is a useful tool to have in your toolbox. We could have written this code without recursion, but I thought you all might want to see an example of it in action.

Handle Click Explained

The handleClick function takes a cell id as a parameter. We need to handle the case where the player pressed the ctrl button while clicking on the cell, but we will talk about that in a later section.

Assuming the game isn’t over and we are handling a basic left click event, there are a few checks we need to make. We want to ignore the click if the player already opened or flagged the cell. It would be frustrating for the player if an inaccurate click on an already flagged cell ended the game.

If neither of those are true then we will proceed. If a mine is present in the cell we need to initiate the game over logic and display the exploded mine in red. Otherwise, we will open the cell.

If the opened cell has mines surrounding it we will display the neighboring mine count to the player in the appropriate font color. If there are no mines surrounding the cell, then it is time for our recursion to kick in. After setting the background color of the cell to a slightly darker shade of gray, we call handleClick on each unopened neighboring cell without a flag.

Helper Functions

Let’s take a look at the helper functions we are using inside the handleClick function. We’ve already talked about getNeighbors, so we’ll skip that one. Let’s start with the loss function.

JavaScript code that gets called whenever the player has lost at minesweeper.
JavaScript code that gets called whenever the player has lost the game.

When a loss occurs, we set the variable that tracks this and then display a message letting the player know that the game is over. We also loop through each cell and display the mine locations. Then we stop the clock.

Second, we have the getNumberColor function. This function is responsible for giving us the color corresponding to the neighboring mine count.

JavaScript code that gets passed a number and returns a color.
JavaScript code that gets passed a number and returns a color.

I tried to match up the colors just like the classic Windows version of minesweeper does it. Maybe I should have used a switch statement here, but I already took the screen shot, and it’s not really a big deal. Let’s move on to what the code looks like for putting a flag on a cell.

Flagging A Cell

JavaScript code for putting a flag on a minesweeper cell.
JavaScript code for putting a flag on a minesweeper cell.

Right clicking on a cell will place a flag on it. If the player right clicks on an empty cell and we have more mines that need to be flagged we will display the red flag on the cell, update its flagged property to true, and decrement the number of mines remaining. We do the opposite if the cell already had a flag. Finally, we update the GUI to display the number of mines remaining.

Opening Neighboring Cells

JavaScript code for handling ctrl + left click
JavaScript code for handling ctrl + left click

We have covered the actions of opening cells and marking them with flags, so let’s talk about the last action a player can take: opening an already opened cell’s neighboring cells. The handleCtrlClick function contains the logic for this. This player can perform this action by holding ctrl and left clicking on an opened cell that contains neighboring mines.

The first thing we do after checking those conditions is build up a list of the neighboring flagged cells. If the number of flagged cells matches the actual number of surrounding mines then we can proceed. Otherwise, we do nothing and exit the function.

If we were able to proceed, the next thing we do is check if any of the flagged cells did not contain a mine. If this is true, we know that the player predicted the mine locations incorrectly, and clicking on all of the non-flagged, neighboring cells will end in a loss. We will need to set the local lost variable and call the loss function. We talked about the loss function earlier in the article.

If the player did not lose, then we will need to open up the non-flagged neighboring cells. We simply need to loop through them and call the handleClick function on each. However, we must first set the ctrlIsPressed variable to false to prevent falling into the handleCtrlClick function by mistake.

Starting A New Game

We are almost done analyzing all of the JavaScript necessary to build minesweeper! All that we have left to cover are the initialization steps necessary for starting a new game.

JavaScript code for initializing minesweeper
JavaScript code for initializing minesweeper

The first thing we do is initialize a few variables. We need some constants for storing the html codes for the flag and mine icons. We also need some constants for storing the board size, the number of mines, the timer value, and the number of mines remaining.

Additionally, we need a variable for storing if the player is pushing the ctrl button. We utilize jQuery to add the event handlers to the document, and these handlers are responsible for setting the ctrlIsPressed variable.

Finally, we call the newGame function and also bind this function to the new game button.

Helper Functions

JavaScript code for starting a new game of minesweeper.
JavaScript code for starting a new game of minesweeper.

Th newGame function is responsible for resetting our variables so that our game is in a ready-to-play state. This includes resetting the values that are displayed to the player, calling initializeCells, and creating a new random board. It also includes resetting the clock, which gets updated every second.

Let’s wrap things up by looking at initializeCells.

JavaScript code for attaching click handlers to minesweeper cells.
JavaScript code for attaching click handlers to cells and checking for the victory condition.

The main purpose of this function is to add additional properties to our html game cells. Each cell needs the appropriate id added so that we can access it easily from the game logic. Every cell also needs a background image applied for stylistic reasons.

We also need to attach a click handler to every cell so that we can detect left and right clicks.

The function that handles left clicks calls handleClick, passing in the appropriate id. Then it checks to see if every cell without a mine has been opened. If this is true then the player has won the game and we can congratulate him/her appropriately.

The function that handles right clicks calls handleRightClick, passing in the appropriate id. Then it simply returns false. This causes the context menu not to pop up, which is the default behavior of a right click on a web page. You wouldn’t want to do this sort of thing for a standard business CRUD application, but for minesweeper it is appropriate.


Congrats on learning how to build minesweeper with JavaScript! That was a lot of code, but hopefully it makes sense after breaking it up into modules like this. We could definitely make more improvements to this program’s reusability, extensibility, and readability. We also did not cover the HTML or CSS in detail. If you have questions or see ways to improve the code, I’d love to hear from you in the comments!

I hope you guys enjoyed learning about how to build minesweeper with JavaScript. Let me know what other simple games like this you would like to see, and don’t forget to drop me your email so you don’t miss the next one that comes out.

You can also follow me on Twitter if you’d like to keep up with what I’m up to.

Take care, and God bless!

Update (7/13/2019): This post became more popular than I thought it would, which is awesome! I’ve received a lot of great feedback from readers about areas that could be improved. I work daily in a code base that until recently was stuck in Internet Explorer quirks mode. Many of my daily habits there transferred to my work on minesweeper, resulting in some code that doesn’t take advantage of the bleeding edge of JavaScript technology. At some point I would like to do another post where I refactor the code. I plan to remove jQuery entirely and use the ES6 syntax instead of the ES5 syntax where appropriate. But you don’t have to wait for me! See if you can make these changes yourself! And let me know how it goes in the comments.

Update (10/13/2020): I finally got around to making some improvements! Check out part 2 of this project. I removed jQuery entirely and added a feature to prevent immediate losses due to bad luck on the first click. I hope you enjoy it!

I Built Tic Tac Toe With JavaScript

Tic Tac Toe JavaScript Game

In my last post I showed you guys a matching game I built using JavaScript and talked a bit about front-end web technologies. I received some positive feedback, so for this week’s post I decided to build a tic tac toe game using JavaScript and describe its construction in detail. I also took on the additional challenge of not using any external JavaScript libraries in the project. If you haven’t done much programming before, it’s probably best to check out my introductory post on computers first.

Click here to play tic-tac-toe!

There are two difficulty levels: moron and genius. Once you’ve bested the moron, see if you can defeat the tic-tac-toe genius. The genius is more formidable than the moron, but he is a little arrogant and isn’t actually all that bright. As a reader of my blog, I bet you are smart enough to exploit the flaws in his thinking.

How It’s Made

This tic tac toe game is built using the three basic front-end web technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I’m going to show you the code for each and describe the role they play in creating the final game. Here are the three files:





The Header

Let’s start with the head tag, shown below. This tag comes at the start of every HTML document you create. It’s a good place for including elements that affect the page as a whole.

    <title>Tic Tac Toe</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="tic-tac-toe.css">
    <link rel="shortcut icon" 
          href="" />

Our head tag has three child tags inside of it: a title tag and two link tags. The tab of our web browser displays the contents of our title tag. In our case this is “Tic Tac Toe”. The second link tag contains a reference to the icon we want displayed in the tab of our web browser. Together, they form a tab that looks like this:

Browser tab for javascript Tic Tac Toe game

The first link tag contains a reference to our tic-tac-toe.css file. This file is what lets us add color and positioning to our HTML document. Our game would look rather dreary without including this file.

Tic Tac Toe game without css applied
Our HTML document without any style.

Next we have the main body of our HTML document. We are going to break it up into two sections: the board and the controls. We’ll start with the board.

The Board

We are using a table tag for representing our tic-tac-toe game board. The code is shown below:

      <table class="board">
              <div id="0" class="square left top"></div>
              <div id="1" class="square top v-middle"></div>
              <div id="2" class="square right top"></div>
              <div id="3" class="square left h-middle"></div>
              <div id="4" class="square v-middle h-middle"></div>
              <div id="5" class="square right h-middle"></div>
              <div id="6" class="square left bottom"></div>
              <div id="7" class="square bottom v-middle"></div>
              <div id="8" class="square right bottom"></div>

We have added the class, “board” to the table in order to add styling to it. The board has three table row tags each containing three table data tags. This results in a 3×3 game board. We have assigned each square of the game board a numerical id and some classes indicating its positioning.

The Controls

What I’m calling the controls section consists of a message box, a few buttons, and drop down list. The code looks like this:

       <div id="messageBox">Pick a square!</div>
       <div class="controls">
         <button class="button" onclick="resetGame()">Play Again</button> 
         <form action="" 
               style="display: inline-block;">
            <button class="button" type="submit">Click Me!</button> 
         <select id="difficulty">
           <option value="moron" selected >Moron</option>
           <option value="genius">Genius</option>

The message box is situated between two line breaks. Following the second line break is a div containing the rest of our controls. The play again button has a click handler that calls a JavaScript function in tic-tac-toe.js. The mystery button is wrapped inside of a form tag. Finally, the select tag contains two options: moron and genius. The moron option is selected by default.

Each of these HTML elements has been assigned various classes and ids which will be used for assisting in executing the game logic and for adding styling. Let’s talk about how that styling is applied.


I’m going to break the explanation of the tic-tac-toe.css file up into several sections because I think that will make it easier to follow as a reader.

Basic Elements

The first section contains styling for the body, main, and h1 tags. The background styling on the body tag simply sets the light blue background color of the page using RGB values.

The max-width, padding, and margin styling on the main tag centers our game on the screen. I borrowed this awesome and succinct styling from this blog post.

The h1 tag is contains the big “Tic Tac Toe” heading, and we add style to center it and give it that yellow coloring.

See below:

CSS styling for the page
The Controls

Next we are going to talk about styling for the message box, difficulty drop down list, and the top-level controls section.

We center the text inside the message box and color it yellow. Then we add a border with rounded corners.

We set the size of our difficulty drop down, and add rounded corners, and then we set its font size, colors, and positioning.

The only change we need to make to the controls div is to make sure that everything is centered.

See below:

 CSS styling for the controls
The Board

Next comes the styling of our game board itself. We need to set the size, color, and text positioning of each square. More importantly, we need to make the borders visible in the appropriate locations. We added several classes for identifying where squares are located on the game board, allowing us to create the famous tic-tac-toe pattern. We also varied the size of the border to get a more three dimensional look and feel.

CSS styling for the tic tac toe board
The Buttons

Finally we come to the buttons. I have to confess, I borrowed these styles from w3schools. However, I did modify them slightly to match our color scheme.

CSS styling for the buttons

Alright, that’s it for the CSS! Now we can finally move onto the fun part: JavaScript.


As should be expected, the JavaScript code is the most complex part of the tic tac toe game. I’m going to describe the basic structure and the artificial intelligence, but I’m not going to describe each and every function. Instead, I’m going to leave it as an exercise for you to read the code and understand how each function was implemented. These other functions have been made bold for your convenience.

If something in the code is confusing then leave a comment and I’ll do my best to explain it! If you can think of a better way to implement something then I would love to hear your feedback in the comments as well. The goal is for everyone to learn more and have fun in the process.

Basic Structure

The first thing we need to do is initialize some variables. We have a couple variables for keeping track of the game’s state: one for keeping track of if the game is over, and one for storing the chosen difficulty level.

We also have a few more variables for storing some useful information: An array of our squares, the number of squares, and the win conditions. Our board is represented by a sequential list of numbers, and there are eight possible win conditions. So the win conditions are represented by an array containing eight arrays, one for each possible three square winning combination.

See below:

initialization javascript variables

With that in mind, let’s talk about how this program works. This game is event-driven. Any action that occurs on-screen happens because you clicked somewhere, and the code responded to it. When you click on the “Play Again” button, the board is cleared and you can play another round of tic tac toe. When you change the difficulty level, the game responds by making different moves in response to yours.

The most important event we have to respond to is when a player clicks on a square. There are lots of things that need to be checked. The bulk of this logic happens inside the top-level function I wrote called chooseSquare.

See below:

Javascript for choosing a tic tac toe square.
The Code Examined

Let’s walk through the code from top to bottom.

Line 176: The first thing we do is set the difficulty variable to whatever was chosen in the drop down list. This is important because our artificial intelligence looks at this variable to determine what move to make.

Line 177: The second thing we do is check if the game is over. If it is not then we can proceed. Otherwise, there is no need to continue.

Lines 179 – 181: Third, we set the message displayed to the player to the default, “Pick a square!” message. We do this by calling the setMessageBox function. Then we set variables for the id and the HTML of the square that was selected by the player.

Line 182: We check if the square is open by calling squareIsOpen. If a marker has already been placed there then the player is trying to make an illegal move. In the corresponding else block, we notify him as such.

Lines 184 -185: Since the square is open, we set the marker to “X”. Then we check to see if we won by calling checkForWinCondition. If we won we are returned an array containing the winning combination. If lost we are simply returned false. This is possible because JavaScript is not type safe.

Line 186: If the player didn’t win then we must continue so that his opponent can make a move. If the player did win, then the corresponding else block will handle it by setting the game over variable to true, turning the winning squares green by calling highlightWinningSquares, and setting the winning message.

Lines 188 – 189: Now that the player’s move is finished we need to make a move for the computer. The function called opponentMove handles this, and it will be discussed later in detail. Then we need to check to see if the player lost by calling the same function we used on line 185, but this time passing in “O” as a parameter. Yay for reusability!

Line 190: If the computer did not win then we must continue so that we can check for a draw. If the computer did win, then the corresponding else block will handle it by setting the game over variable to true, turning the winning squares red by calling highlightWinningSquares, and setting the losing message.

Lines 192 – 197: We check for a draw by calling the checkForDraw function. If there are no win conditions met and there are no more available moves to be made then we must have reached a draw. If a draw has been reached then we set the game over variable to true and set the draw message.

That’s it for the main game logic! The rest of this function is just the corresponding else blocks which we already covered. As I mentioned previously, go read through the other functions to get a fuller understanding of how the game logic works.

Artificial Intelligence

There are two difficulty levels: moron and genius. The moron always takes the first available square in order of id. He will sacrifice a win just to keep up this orderly pattern, and he will not deviate from it even to prevent a loss. He is a simpleton.

The genius is much more sophisticated. He will take a win when its there, and he will try to prevent a loss. Going second puts him at a disadvantage, so he favors the center square for its defensive qualities. However, he does have weaknesses that can be exploited. He’s following a better set of rules, but he isn’t great at adapting to situations on the fly. When he can’t find an obvious move to make he reverts back to the same simple ways of the moron.

See below:

AI top level javascript function
The top level AI function
AI implementation details in javascript
The AI implementation details

Once you understand the algorithm let me know in the comments what changes we could make to turn our wannabe genius into a true one!


In this post I showed off the Tic Tac Toe game I made using JavaScript. Then we looked at how it was constructed and how the artificial intelligence works. Let me know what you think, and what kind of games you would like to see me make in the future. Keep in mind though, I’m only one guy, so no asking for Call of Duty!

If you want to learn more about how to write good programs in JavaScript, one book that I recommend is JavaScript: The Good Parts, by the legendary Douglas Crockford. The language has been improved dramatically over the years, but it still has some odd properties because of its development history. The book does a great job of helping you navigate around its more questionable design choices. I found it helpful when I was learning the language.

If you decide to purchase it, I would be grateful if you decided to go through the link above. I will get a commission through Amazon’s affiliate program, with no additional cost to you. It helps me keep this site up and running.

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you next time!

As always, if you are enjoying the ideas I’ve presented or you think I’m crazy and want to tell me why I’m wrong, go ahead and subscribe to stay up to date with all the latest content.

I Built A Simple Matching Game With JavaScript

Heroes And Villains Matching Game

Half a decade ago I built a simple little heroes and villains themed matching game using only the most basic front-end web technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

It had been gathering dust for a while. Since I have a blog now, I thought I would share my creation with you guys. The goal of the game is to find the match for each hero and villain using the fewest number of clicks. You probably have played something similar at some point in your life. This little game won’t win any awards, but much like tic tac toe, it’s great for kids and makes for a good introduction to front-end web technology.

Click here to play the matching game!

How It’s Made

For the tech-savvy among you, please forgive me for the code quality. I’ve learned a lot about code readability and maintainability since my early programming days, but I’m not really interested in spending time refactoring this little project.

If you’re not tech-savvy but want to understand how it works, it actually is pretty simple. It consists of only three files: matching.html, matching.css, and matching.js.

You can view the raw CSS and JavaScript files by following the links above. For viewing the raw html file, just right click on the game’s page and then click on “View Page Source”. The HTML file contains the basic structure of the page, while the CSS file controls the colors and spacing of some of the html elements. The JavaScript file is where the heart of the program lies, and is what controls the logic for the matching game. If you want to learn more about programming languages like JavaScript, check out my post about the topic.

Showing how to view the source code of the javascript matching game.
Click View Page Source to see the raw html.

That’s the whole game! For extra fun, try creating these three files in a folder on your own desktop computer.

The html, css, and javascript files for the matching game shown on your own computer
The three files saved on your own computer.

Then you can change the color scheme, fix bugs, add new features, and more. Just open up the html file you modified in your web browser to see your own creation in action. By making just a few tweaks you could end up with a matching game as cool as this one:

Matching game after making modifications